The Most Active and Friendliest
Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

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How can we improve AffiliateFix? - (Answer for a chance to win $100).

What do you like about
This site gives me a overall feel of focus on IM. Which is good. I like the active topics. The categories for connecting the community members and newbs, moderates, real experts.
The responsiveness is on par with other forums in this niche. I find it a very active place with really relevant articles and discussion topics on affiliate marketing.

What do you not like about
Do not like. This is going to be a little of a surprise. Overall I think the general site is spot on. This place is always improving. When I have found some issues in the past with site navigation I noticed it changed within hours. It probably is related to transitions in the site layout. I think the Dojo is relevant. I believe there should be a internal site for those ready to step up their game in IM and it should be on the more cutting edge niches in affiliate marketing, mobile, or other types. Like a step up of Stack that money or other private forums. With alternatives in pricing.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

How can we improve
I see a general site redesign in the future. With more data driven responses from the members and visitors on this site.
What do you like about

Slick UI and Really valuable free content. I really like that it's really easy to navigate and find the info i need.

What do you not like about

The annoying red banners on top!

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

I don't feel i have much valuable insight to share. for the moment, I'm still new to the community.

How can we improve

Hold contests in which people compete to generate revenue in cpa or something like that with mentoring and guidance form some of the moderators/admins maybe it could be structured as a deal with a certain network so that the time spent is rewarded.
What do you like about
The core group of great guys willing to help one another and help the those that are new to Affiliate Marketing. It's a small, warm, friendly group here without all the bashing going on in other forums. I've met and started working with some really great people here.

What do you not like about
I can't say that there is anything I don't like about the Fix.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)
There are lurkers in every forum.

How can we improve

1. I can only say that we need more deliberate content that leads someone from start to finish with any given scenario. People want everything step by step. Some complain that people want to be spoon fed solutions. I am not one to complain about that. Maybe it's because my last name is Tutor. I think teaching is spoon feeding solutions for some. Some people are tactile. I am one of them. When I sit down with someone, I can learn more in 30 minutes doing something with my mentors than I can reading a pdf and figuring out on my own what was left out of the instructions. Videos are of course great for this too.

Some of us more savvy members need to find the time to do this for the newer members of the Online Marketing World. I think our community lacks some of the more important content needed in both the primary forum and the Dojo. I have not contributed the guides I would like to, and I promise to make up for this, but I think that there are many of us that have had difficulty finding the time to build products for the Dojo. Crysper is a great contributor as well as many others, the rest of us need to follow their example and add some of our products to the Dojo. I know that if I upload some of the new products, guides, or tools I am building that I wouldn't have a way to protect them from being distributed to others outside the Dojo. Maybe we could have a mechanism for this.

2. More of us here (including me) can do a better job of getting the word out and encouraging others to come, join, and contribute.
What do you like about

First of all I like to admin of this forum. Second of all this is one great community fully dedicated and active to affiliate marketing that help to make some money for newbie like me.
Why I like admin? because I see he is online all the time solving issues of members, giving his most contribution to making this website go better.

What do you not like about

What I dont like is not having that much of activity as other internet marketing forum have.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

Because I am not that talented in affiliate marketing yet. First I want to gain knowledge by reading post here.

How can we improve

I think you should post some good working money making methods, tutorials, free ebooks, awards time to time.

PS: Sorry for my bad English.
What do you like about We like the color combinations and designs which looks modern and easy to work interface. Its better than other forums for sure.

What do you not like about We never find much people of our interest here compared to other forums. the main purpose of me using forums is networking but here we don't see much people of our interest

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you) - never found relevant replies on my posts so stopped posting

How can we improve by heavy marketing to add more people so that we get to meet new people of our interest

Lemme know if i win 100$
What do you like about

I believe that the branding of this forum really caught my attention. E-mails regarding forum posts and updates are always great to receive. I feel that this forum has lots of potential and can grow to be a great source for people wanting to learn. Perhaps I haven't browsed enough, but would like to know where I can find information on starting Adwords campaigns.

What do you not like about

probably the more obvious, which is not seeing very many comments to posts and people asking questions.

How can we improve

Improvements, perhaps a chat room, again, there may already be one in the Dojo, not sure. That would be cool to see.
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What do you like about

What do you not like about

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

How can we improve

1-AffiliateFix have more features than other systems and forums and beauty design !

2- i would like reffering is free in AffiliateFix, and if didnt i dont like it

3-because i couldnt find AffiliateFix forum , i Thought it is just system

4-orevend spammers foro spamming pm's

ty and regards
What do you like about
AffiliateFix-Is a great place!

What do you not like about
To many ads!

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

How can we improve
To change some Design!
What do you like about

I love the friendly vibe of the forum and the wide range of free information available through out the forum and the fact a few of the more experienced members do drop in from time to time to help out.

What do you not like about

I think there needs to be more of a focus on paid traffic sources like mobile and PPV

How can we improve

Adding more tutorials on different forms of paid traffic sources

What do you like about
I find that there are lots of information on affiliate marketing. The forum is well presented where it address different types of marketing methods. I also like that owners or representatives of the affiliate network are present where we can consult them on their network should we have any problems, such as late payment of commission!
I really like that top affiliate marketers are invited to the forum to answer our questions. Keep it up!

What do you not like about
I don't have any thing that I don't like about AffiliateFix, but I do hope that it remain free!

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)
I have posted!

How can we improve
I would like to see a section on 'Pay Per Call' for mobile as it will be a very exciting area in mobile marketing.
What do you like about
Affliaitefix give me many infromations, methods and tutorials about 2014's internet marketing

What do you not like about
few good new threads but we are growing!!!

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)
i am newbie in IM. i want to learn more

How can we improve
Design is Awesome, clean, easy to read. Content, we must exchange konwledge in IM, help together
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What do you like about

I am new here but so far seems like a great community that is focused on helping each other earn more. Instead of just a bunch of advertising like other forums I used to frequent.

What do you not like about
I would love access to the dojo, but the price is keeping me from doing it , the info might be worth it but right now it isn't in my budget.

How can we improve
Perhaps a lower price for dojo access, or perhaps a month trial for a low amount option, so I can tell if it's a good value and work it in the budget.
What do you like about
That the ad networks I use recommend this forum.
What do you not like about
This stuff:
How can we improve
Remove this stuff:
All these banners obstruct the UX for users logged in and make its uncomfortable to navigate the site. Also the mass email spam/bloat is annoying, I'd say it gets more users to unsubscribe than improve on user retention. I hope you see and take my suggestion into consideration.
What do you like about The layout is great

What do you not like about I'm new here so I haven't had a chance to roam around yet to check out the content

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you) New to the site

How can we improve Everything is great so far
What do you like about

The community is friendly and helpful, I really like the way K encourages affiliates with badges, contests, emails etc.
The interviews with expert marketers are great.

What do you not like about

Sometimes the content is lacking.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

As an inexperienced affiliate I sometimes feel that I can't contribute a lot.

How can we improve

I think the way I´ts going right now is great, maybe some more rewards here and there to encourage us newbies who are still on the fence about posting and taking action.
What do you like about

I like the lay out and case studies that i can go through free and paid from the dojo. I also like the fact that there are steps to get approved by networks and some of the network owners are members here in the forum.

What do you not like about

When i first joined it was more active. There were a couple of moderators. But i left myself and came back and it's more quiet now. Case studies are given out some but mostly black hat that will get you banned from certain networks. I only say this about some case studies i have seen. It also seems that only certain follow alongs are followed. I don't know if this has to do with popularity but this is just in my opinion what i notice. I feel as if i don't really have any extra help after reading some of the guides on here. It seems to me more of teaching yourself and some extra boost to stir in the right direction would be nice.

Why have you never posted on before? (Only answer if this applies to you)

How can we improve

Maybe some type of coaching and payment proofs before some one puts up another case study as a method or just puts a method up. Me personally i like to see proof before doing anything. I want to know why it works, why it should be done this way and what to avoid. Even if it cost a little per month. I understand we have our affiliate managers but what about getting help from actual affiliates making money already? This is more of a trust issue for me cause i don't want to do anyone's method that i can't see payment proof of to know this actually works and i'm not just getting fed bull crap again. excuse me if any of this sounds rude. I just get straight to the point when i'm reviewing something and give my opinion. I have gotten a lot of value from this forum but as always things could be better.
I would like to see some actual affiliates here killing it in ppc that could offer some coaching or an helpful hand to get steered in the right direction. Sometimes someone else extra boost can get or keep you motivated other then doing it yourself at the time. Having like minded active individuals definitely helps.
What do you like about
I love the affiliate expert week. It's great to have a chance to talk with affiliate marketing stars. It's also great to see a lot of network staff member and have a chance to get easier connection and approval.
But the thing i like the most about this forum is K. It's great to see how much work and dedication he is putting into all of this. He is a wonderful person and a great forum owner.

What do you not like about
I don't like the lack of good discussion. Everything is mostly newbie oriented and it's all about the same questions all the time.
It's hard to find a thread where you can discuss on some advanced tips and share experiences for some traffic source. I don't know is it because of The Dojo, maybe all the good stuff is there but I would really love to see more "intermediate" stuff.

And one more thing I really hate the shade of the red color that is indicating a new post: Screenshot by Lightshot
I'm partially color blind and I find really hard to distinguish black and that shade of red.

How can we improve
I really don't know, maybe try to focus more on a little more advanced stuff instead of focusing everything to total newbies. A lot of newbies asks some silly question and then disappears but the good discussion is something that keeps everybody coming back.

Don't get me wrong I know that newbies need a help and that we where all once a newbies. But I would rather see some advanced tips and discussion on "How the analyze and get the most out of the Prosper202 data" than seeing every week new thread on "How to install Prosper202"
That's just an example.
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What do you like about
What i like is the topics and information for all types of affilitte marketers, newbies(like me) and proffessionals. Keeps us updated on the market.

What do you not like about
Better topis list and fast access required to pinpoint your specific needs and how to be successful in this market.